Yachts For Sale
Yachts For Sale
We have categorized our portfolios in three sections and sorted them out as per their classification where you are offered to choose amongst many of them. the first category is sailing yachts, the second category is motor yachts for sale. and the third category is traditional Turkish gulets.
When you do a search choose the right link either motor yachts, sailing yacht, or gulet which you will be allowed to view all our yachts listed in our yachts for sale portfolio in Turkey, with detailed information of these preowned yachts for sale together with interior and exterior photos to have an idea before deciding to fly over and see the yacht physically. The Merkez Yacht takes pride in 32 years of experience with hundreds of Turkish and International customers who have accomplished their dream of buying their heart’s desired yacht as well as selling with us.
While Buying a Yacht
You need to have a look at the propeller and the shaft installation. You need to ask for a free trial on board of your yachts for sale to see her performance while on the sea. Checking for the sound isolation of your motor from other cabins is also important.
You need to have a look at our pre-owned and new yachts for sale portfolio which has numerous options that reach hundreds and hundreds so that you can make sure that you have decided on your yacht for sale Turkey quite in a logical way of thinking after you checked for the pricing and the designs in whole. You can call us when decided on a certain yacht so that we can reach you directly with the head owner to negotiate the pricing.